姓名:刘娟 |
所在系所:材料物理与化学系 |
职称:副教授/硕士生导师 |
邮箱:jliu0922@ahut.edu.cn |
课题组主页: |
主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、安徽省教育厅高校自然科学基金重点项目2项,参与国家日然科学基金面上项目2项。近年来在Advanced Functional Materials,Journal of the American Ceramic Society等国际期刊发表SCI论文10多篇。
1. M.M. Niu, J. Liu*, T.L. Sun, R.Z. Jiang, D.H. Hou, and D. Xu, Effect of transition metal element substitution on magnetoelectric properties of BiFeO3-BaTiO3 ceramics. J. Alloy. Compd. 859 (2021) 158224.
2. J. Liu*, L. Wang, M. Niu, R. Jiang, Y. Liu, D. Xu, and C. Jin, Enhanced magnetoelectric coupling characteristics of Mn2O3-modified BiFeO3-based ceramics. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 527 (2021) 167777.
3. J. Liu, L. Wang, X. Yin, Q. Yu, and D. Xu, Effect of ionic radius on colossal permittivity properties of (A, Ta) co-doped TiO2 (A= alkaline-earth ions) ceramics. Ceram. Int. 46 (2020) 12059-12066.
4. J. Liu*, M. Niu, L. Wang, C. Peng, and D. Xu, Effect of tuning A/B substitutions on multiferroic characteristics of BiFeO3-based ternary system ceramics. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 510 (2020) 166928.
5. J. Liu*, M. Niu, L. Wang, G. Chen, and D. Xu, Structure, ferroelectric and magnetic characteristics of SmFeO3 and BaTiO3 co-modified BiFeO3 ceramics. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 31 (2020) 3479-3491.
6. J. Liu, J. Xu, B. Cui, Q. Yu, S. Zhong, L. Zhang, S. Du, and D. Xu, Colossal permittivity characteristics and mechanism of (Sr, Ta) co-doped TiO2 ceramics. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 31 (2020) 5205-5213.
7. P. Peng, Y. Deng, J. Niu, L. Shi, Y. Mei, S. Du, J. Liu*, and D. Xu, Fabrication and electrical characteristics of flash-sintered SiO2-doped ZnO-Bi2O3-MnO2 varistors. Journal of Advanced Ceramics (2020).
8. B. Cui, J. Niu, P. Peng, L. Shi, S. Du, J. Liu*, and D. Xu, Flash sintering preparation and electrical properties of ZnO–Bi2O3-M (M = Cr2O3, MnO2 or Co2O3) varistor ceramics. Ceram. Int. (2020).
9. J. Liu, T.L. Sun, X.Q. Liu, H. Tian, T.T. Gao, and X.M. Chen, A Novel Room-Temperature Multiferroic System of Hexagonal Lu1−xInxFeO3. Adv. Funct. Mater. 28 (2018) 1706062.
10. J. Liu, X.Q. Liu, and X.M. Chen, Ferroelectric and magnetic properties in (1−x)BiFeO3–x(0.5CaTiO3–0.5SmFeO3) ceramics. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 100 (2017) 4045-4057.
11. J. Liu, X.Q. Liu, and X.M. Chen, Effect of (Sr0.7Ca0.3)TiO3-substitution on structure, dielectric, ferroelectric, and magnetic properties of BiFeO3 ceramics. J. Appl. Phys. 119 (2016) 204102.
12. J. Liu, X.Q. Liu, and X.M. Chen, Significantly enhanced ferroelectricity and magnetic properties in (Sr0.5Ca0.5)TiO3 -modified BiFeO3 ceramics. J. Appl. Phys. 117 (2015) 174101.